Looking to build a custom hearing aid

My stepdaughter has hearing loss ranging from Severe to Profound. Hearing aids aren’t an option because her insurance doesn’t cover them. I was Googling all day and came across this project and WOW! it looks perfect.

For the hardware, I’ll have to order the Rev F because I basically cannot solder anything smaller than a 1/2" copper pipe with a propane torch. We were originally thinking that Bluetooth headphones would be the best option, but after a long discussion with her, about how she actually does and doesn’t hear, I realized that I also need to incorporate dual microphones because right now, she only hears from one side without amplification. I found a pair of bone-conduction headphones and am planning on gluing a microphone on each side once I figure out how to “insulate” the mic from the sound of the speaker.

I saw on the Github page that someone was working on a built-in hearing test, along with customized dual-channel, 8-freq equalization, which seems to be exactly what she needs. Right now, she can use OTC hearing aid earbuds, but because they’re basically just amplifiers, they do help with what she can’t hear unaided, but they “hurt” in the ranges that she can still hear normally.

I’m hoping to order the hardware in the next week or two, depending on work & bills. Once I receive it, I know that I’ll be on here begging for help LOL.