Pls help in connecting Tympan App to the Tympan device

…which will be a wonderful advance when I get it working. It could be the step that makes the Tympan really work for me. Otherwise I find the volume wheel on the device to be unusable.

Want to connect Tympan Remote app to Tympan device which has installed Basic Gain w/App sketch.

So I installed the Basic Gain w/ App

Seems to be working in the device. I can hear the sounds coming thru the earbuds.

Then I installed the Tympan Remote app. Which is up and running.

In the phone’s Bluetooth Settings, I see

In the Tympan Remote app, I click SCAN FOR DEVICES,
Its says Scanning BLE…

And returns with nothing.

Any clues about what could be wrong?

Does the Tympan Basic Gain w/App example not communicate via BLE?

Oops, a friend who has a Tympan says “sounds like the wheel might have come loose from the square post it is designed to turn” because the volume wheel does not seem to change the volume I hear.

If so, how could I fix that?

Time to take the device apart?

Does anybody know which of the Tympan “with App” examples might connect successfully to the Tympan Remote App? I’ll try one more before I give up for now.


You did a good job and correctly selected “BasicGain_wApp” as your starting point. Yes, it communicates with the App via BLE.

Are you aware of our “Getting Started” instructions for working with the App?

In here, it talks about needing to pair your Tympan to your phone. Did you do the pairing? You only need to do this the first time.

If you still have trouble, let me know! Also, let me know if you are Android or iOS and what version of Android or iOS you’re using.


Chip, thanks for getting back to me. I love what you are doing with Tympan and want to get it to work for me.

it talks about needing to pair your Tympan to your phone. Did you do the pairing? You only need to do this the first time.

I tried to do the pairing, but failed. In the comment above, you can see the two devices that appear in my phone’s bluetooth settings when my Tympan device is turned on. But nothing returns from SCAN FOR DEVICES…Scanning BLE. So communicating via BLE seems to be the point of failure, as of now.

let me know if you are Android or iOS and what version of Android or iOS you’re using.

I’m using Android 7.0. We have new phones coming that I think will be Android 11, so if it’s better to wait for them, I’ll do that. I’m not in a hurry.