Tympan RevE and Qwiic Accessories

You may not be aware, but the Tympan RevE includes a “Qwiic” connector, which is an easy way to add accessories to your electronics. SparkFun has so many Qwiic accessories: https://www.sparkfun.com/qwiic.

Buttons, displays, sensors, GPS…all can be attached to the Tympan via a single cable. So fun!


Sparkfun usually includes libraries and example code for each item, so it’s super fast to get up and running.



More pictures!

I2c devices on I2C 2 bus (“Qwiic” connector)

An i2c scan of a Sparkfun Soil sensor on the “Qwiic” connector resulted only the address of the audio and battery devices inside Thypan, RevE. The sensor works fine on Teensy 3.2.
How do you handle the I2C 2 bus of the “Qwiic” connector?

#include <Wire.h>
#define Wire Wire2