What happen to Tympan's GitHub?

It has full of resource last week (example/05-FullSystems). But today, it lost some example in 05-FullSystems (for example, FreqWarp_8BandFIR, WDRC_8BandComp_wExp, WDRC_8BandComp_wExp_wBT)

I’m not sure why and it happen in Tympan Remote App too. It’s seem everything backward to start point.

The “Full systems” that you mentioned are not gone; they were moved into the “Deprecated” folder. We did this because they were duplicative or confusing or not helpful. If you want any of them back, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

As for the TympanRemote App, I’m not sure what you experienced back in Feb, but we did have to switch the App away from Bluetooth classic and over to BLE. This was due to pressure from changes in the Android permissions system and due to our desire to release the app on iOS as well (which only allows BLE). We think that we maintained all of the functionality despite the move to BLE, so hopefully it still works for you!